BM Resident area

BM Residency

Residents are obliged to document their training in the following way:

  1. Keep case logs: Case Log Template for Residents
  2. Provide a 6 monthly Follow Up FORM:  Resident_follow_up_Form_2020
  3. Provide an annual evaluation REPORT: Resident_annual_evaluation_REPORT_2020 
  4. Inform the BM Education Subcommittee of any changes in programme (should they occur)

The resident is responsible to inform the BM Education Subcommittee chair of updated personal details.

ECAWBM BM – Resident’s Study day

Each year a Resident’s Study Day is organised aiming to help residents to improve their knowledge in the field of Behavioural Medicine and to discuss specific topics with other residents and Diplomates.
Residents will be informed by email about the event.

Preparing for BM Examination

The goal of the examination is to assess the knowledge and clinical skills of candidates applying for the veterinary board certification in small animal behaviour by the ECAWBM-BM; therefore, the exam is based on the learning outcomes of the ECAWBM-BM residency programmes.

Parts of the Examination
  1. Parts IA and IB : Multiple choice questions (MCQs)
    The theoretical parts will consist of multiple choice questions (MCQS), because literature indicates that the use of MCQS is a fair way to screen candidates skills on different levels: memory only; memory-plus application; ability to interpret cause-and-effect relationships, ability to justify methods and procedures. This part of the examination comprises MCQs on general behaviour science and clinics (Section 1-A) and MCQs on specific animal species (Section 1-B).
  2. Section 2: Short clinical cases and scenarios
    This part of the examination consists of open-ended Short Answer Questions (SAQs) and Long Answer Questions (LAQs) relating to clinical cases and scenarios (dog, cat and species of choice).
  3. Section 3: Critical review of a specialty journal article
    This part of the examination consists of a critical review of an original research paper, published in the last 5 years.
  4. Section 4: Objective Case Management (OCM)
    This part of the examination is aimed at screening the clinical skills of the candidate: (performance) in investigating a behavioural problem, as well as screening their abilities to perform clinical cases in practice.

Procedure for credentialing for the BM College Examination

To be eligible to sit the examination, candidates must have had their credentials approved by the Credentials committee.

Credentialing process:
  1. Notification

    The candidate must notify the Chair of the BM Credentials Subcommittee of their intention to sit the examination in the calendar year preceding the Examination.

  2. Credentialing form
    The candidate needs to complete the Application Form for Credentialing for the ECAWBM Examination in Behavioural Medicine.
    To Download the form click here 
  3. Credentialing Fee
    The candidate needs to pay the Credentialing Fee (2020): 100 Eur
    The payment is a necessary condition to apply for the exam and the candidate must submit a receipt to the credentialing committee on
    To pay the credentialing fee via PayPal: click here.
    For alternative payment methods, please send an email to
  1. Sending application
    The completed application should be sent by e-mail to:  
    The candidate will receive feedback on the decision of their application by the date published in the credentialing timeline.
  1. Confirmation of participation
    Candidates accepted for entering the Examination will receive a request to confirm their participation by emailing the chair of the ECAWBM BM Examination Committee on
  2. Payment of examination fee
    Candidates accepted for entering the Examination will then receive a request pay the Examination fee (2022) : 200 Eur (50% reduction for 2023)
    To pay the exam fee via PayPal: click here.
    For alternative payment methods, please send an email to

Credentialing for the ECAWBM BM Examination by the International Recognized specialist route

Veterinarians internationally recognised in the field of Behavioural Medicine, can apply to sit the ECAWBM examination without prior completion of a Residency programme.


Practical information about the 2023 BM Examination


A candidate who fails the theoretical or practical parts of the examination must re-apply, if he/she wishes to re-sit this part of the examination in a subsequent year. The candidate is advised to discuss this decision with their supervisor prior to making an application to re-sit an examination.

Application Deadlines for Re-Examination
The appropriate application form (BM Examination resit form) must be submitted to the BM Examination Sub Committee (deadline to be defined)

Please note: there is a 25% reduction for candidates who have to apply for  parts of the examination as resits.

If you would like to pay by bank transfer, please contact