AW Diplomate / Associate area
Membership includes veterinarians with expertise in the field of animal welfare science and research, ethics and ethical analysis of decision making and legislation. The College may confer Associate member status on persons who have contributed significantly to research in the fields of animal welfare, ethics and law.
Re-certification of Diplomates
In accordance with EBVS policy, each Diplomate has to be re-certified every five years. This will be carried out by the AW Credentials Committee. Diplomates will need to pay the re-certification fee (100€) to complete the re-certification form, certifying that they fulfil the requirement of practising the specialty for more than 60 per cent of their time, based on a normal working week (accepted by the EBVS as 40hr), and in addition that they fulfil the requirements of the standard procedure according to a credit point system. In addition, Diplomates should ask 2 colleagues or authorities to send to the College a letter of reference certifying that the Diplomate has been active in practising his/her speciality for the last 5 years at the specialist level.
Admission of Associate Members
Admission criteria for Associate Members are defined by the Executive Committee of the College. These criteria aim to ensure that only non-veterinary scientists of international repute who are active in the field of animal welfare science, ethics and law are admitted as Associate Members. Associate members are invited to apply by the AW Nomination and Credentials Committee.