AW Resident area
2024 Exam dates for AWSEL:
- Written exam to be announced
- Oral exam to be announced
Eligibility to sit the ECAWBM certifying examination requires that the residency program is completed. All residents have to keep records of the specialist experience completed during their period of residency to support their application to the college for sitting the examination. The records should include:
- 120 case exposures (not exceed 500 words) that describe and briefly comment upon the welfare science, ethics and law considerations of welfare issues that they are perceiving as part of the professional experience. Case exposures must be submitted for review by their supervisor on a regular basis during the residency.
- 3 case extended reports (approximately 3000 words) should include a more in-depth analysis of the welfare science, ethics and law. Case reports may be based upon material collated during case exposures or discussions.
Fee (2019) credentialing check: 100 €, taking the exam: 200 €.
To pay the credentialing fee via PayPal: click here.
To pay the exam fee via PayPal: click here.
For alternative payment methods, please send an email to’
Residency day
Each year a Residency Day is organised aiming to help residents to improve their knowledge in the field of animal welfare, ethics and law and to discuss some specific topics with other residents and Diplomates.
About the exam
The candidates are able to sit the exam after 3 years of the residency program onwards. The Credentials committee must review and approve the evidence of each candidate before a resident can sit the exam. Evidence required for credentials must be submitted by 31st December of the year prior to sitting the examination. Evidence include:
- Evidence of completed 120 case exposures and 3 case reports
- Evidence of at least 2 submitted publications. Papers must be accepted for publication by time of exam
- Evidence of at least 2 oral or poster presentations at conferences
- Summary of suitable work experience including record of training programmes and conferences attended
- Summary of research activity
- Summary of research project outcomes
- Summary of relevant teaching activity
The examination will examine the resident’s knowledge and understanding of the ECAWBM Animal Welfare syllabus in Welfare Science, Ethics and Law as detailed in the residency requirements.