Dear diplomates, residents and those have previously taken the examination,
The Credentialing Committee of European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine is pleased to announce that the deadline for application to take the examination has been extended to June 15, 2016. Residents who have completed a residency may apply. Those who have previously taken the exam may apply to retake the examination by completing the attached form for reapplication.
The ECAWBM-BM EXAMINATION FOR VETERINARY BEHAVIOURAL MEDICINE will be held in Lisbon, Portugal on 26-27 November 2016 at
We apologise that the material on the website has not been updated. This was an error and will be rectified shortly. For this reason the deadline for application and reapplication for the examination has been extended to June 15, 2016. Please notify ECAWBM of your intent to apply to take the examination this year. Please also notify the College Secretary ( immediately so we many anticipate your application.
The appropriate fees may be paid by accessing the website
Application fee re-sitting the examination or parts thereof (BM)
300 EUR + 10.40 EUR (PayPal fee)
Total amount payable 310.40 EURO
Application fee for sitting the examination (BM)
400 EUR + 13.80 EUR (PayPal fee)
Total amount payable 413.80 EURO
The European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine is eager to welcome new applicants or re-applicants to sit the boards and fulfill the mission to provide animal owners and their veterinarians with veterinarians specialised in animal welfare and behavioural medicine through qualified European Specialists.
Theresa DePorter
ECAWBM Credentials Committee (BM