Announcement of the 2021 ECAWBM subspecialty Behavioural Medicine EXAMINATION

The 2021 ECAWBM subspecialty Behavioural Medicine Examination will take place from Dec15th – Dec 17 th in Milan (Italy).


Due to the COVID-19 pandemia , the BM_Examination Sub Committee may have to change plans regarding the 2021 ECAWBM BM examination. Our plan is to go for an Examination in real life on Loaction  (MilanUniversity) using a Virtual Examination Platform (Examsoft).

In a worst case scenario, i.e. a new wave of COVID should happen, a Virtual Examination Platform (Examsoft) will be used with local proctors so that each candidate will be given the opportunity to sit the exam in their own location.

A final decision will be taken by November 15th 2021.


Details of specific location, travel, and suggested accommodation will be forwarded as soon as possible.

Proposed schedule of the examination:

Note that these details will be confirmed after you receive notification of whether your application has beensuccessful.

Wednesday 15th December 2021:

08H00 – 12H00 Section 1-A (MCQ-General). 14H00 – 18H00Section 1-B (MCQ-Species Specific)

Thursday 16th December 2021:

09H00 – 13H00 Section 2: Short clinical cases and scenarios

14H00 – 17H00 Section 3: Critical review of a specialty journal article

Friday 17th September 2021:

09H00 – 15H00 Section 4: Objective Case Management (OCM)

Important note:  

(1) Due to the nature of this examination, each section will be administered at one time and place ONLY. There will be no alternative arrangements for any reason.

For more information: For additional information or if you encounter any problems please contact the exam committee chairperson, Ludovica Pierantoni (