Due to the COVID-19 pandemia , the BM_Examination Sub Committee may have to change plans regarding the 2021 ECAWBM BM examination. Our plan is to go for an Examination in real life on Loaction (Milan Municipal Shelter) using a Virtual Examination Platform (Examsoft).
In a worst case scenario, i.e. a new wave of COVID should happen, a Virtual Examination Platform (Examsoft) will be used with local proctors so that each candidate will be given the opportunity to sit the exam in their own location.
Details of specific location, travel, and suggested accommodation will be forwarded as soon as possible.
Proposed schedule of the examination:
Note that these details will be confirmed after you receive notification of whether your application has beensuccessful.
Wednesday 18th January 2023:
08H00 – 12H00 Section 1-A (MCQ-General). 14H00 – 18H00Section 1-B (MCQ-Species Specific)
Thursday 19th January 2023:
09H00 – 13H00 Section 2: Short clinical cases and scenarios
14H00 – 17H00 Section 3: Critical review of a specialty journal article
Friday 20th January 2023:
09H00 – 15H00 Section 4: Objective Case Management (OCM)
Important note:
(1) Due to the nature of this examination, each section will be administered at one time and place ONLY. There will be no alternative arrangements for any reason.
For more information : For additional information or if you encounter any problems please contact the exam committee chairperson, Ludovica Pierantoni (